New Recipe of the Week: Baked Southwest Chipotle Eggrolls... SO GOOD!!!

(Just a disclaimer... I started writing this like 3 or 4 weeks ago.  That is how crazy life has been in our Larson home!)

You know, through this whole "trying new recipes" thing, I have realized that about 50% of the recipes are just "meh..." and 30% are good, and 20% are AMAZING!!  You know what I mean...  I tried 4 new recipes in the last two weeks, and honestly there is only one I will actually add into our "Favorites" recipe book.  Even Ryan LOVED them, and because my poor husband works graveyard, and I didn't get these out of the oven in time, he had to eat them re-heated the next morning (his dinnertime).  The first thing he said to me this morning was, "You were right.  Those eggrolls were really good!"  SUCCESS!!

Now, my husband and I have come up with a system for rating the meals I make.  I really like it, and I am so glad I came up with the idea, because honestly, it gets frustrating not fully understanding if my husband REALLY likes a meal, or if he is just being nice.  I mean, honestly, I don't think he has ever DISliked a meal I made, but I would really like to get to the point where everything I make is on the "Really Like" end of the spectrum for both of us!  The rating system is pretty basic, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being "OMG, this is almost as amazing as Corned Beef and Cabbage!", and 1 being "please don't ever mention this meal, let alone make it, ever again."

I am happy to say these babies were a "9"!  Yep, that is how good they were!  I'm not sure if I've told you all how much my husband likes Corned Beef and Cabbage, but to him it is like an "11"!  He was born on St Patty's Day, so I think there's an emotional attachment as well, since his mom used to make Corned beef and cabbage for him every birthday!

Anyway, back to the recipe!  I found this amazing recipe on "Mel's Kitchen Cafe".  I know I've mentioned this before, but I absolutely love her blog.  She tries to be as healthy as possible, but she doesn't give you ridiculous recipes that take 4 hours to make.  ANyway, here is the link:

Promise me you will make this!  Eat it, love it, and share it if you can! :)


New Recipe of the Week: Easy Chicken Fajita Melts

So, lately I noticed that I have a lot of recipes I want to make.  Between surfing Pinterest, and my favorite recipe blogs (,,,, and, check them out if you never have) I have realized that I literally have about a thousand recipes that I want to try.  I decided it was time to stop surfing, and start making.  I also realized, that even if I made a new recipe every day, it would be about 3 years of new recipe making before I actually got to all of them.  So, anyway, I have decide to feature new recipes that I have actually made, on my blog.  I think this will help me keep my blog updated, because we all know how bad I am at that. :)

So on to the recipe!  I found this gem on, and I loved it!  My husband... not so much!  He didn't hate it, and he NEVER complains about a meal, but I am one of those wives that looks at him, and asks, "Sooo... what'd you think?"  I immediately know that it isn't a "winner" with him if he doesn't say how amazing it is.  Because when I make something new that he really likes, he can't stop saying how amazing it was!  I think the reason he didn't love it is because of the salsa.  For some reason my husband doesn't really love salsa.  He loves my chicken and steak fajitas, but I always use a little salsa on the side, while he prefers sour cream only.  Anyway, in my opinion this recipe was awesome!  Perfect for if you need something that feeds the whole family, and it is really quick and easy!  I used pre-cooked chicken strips since I was in a hurry to get this made before Ryan had to get to work, and I broiled it! 

Here is the link to the recipe:

If you like french bread and fajitas, there is a very high chance that you will love this, just like me!

I would be all creative and write the recipe and take pictures except, I kind of wouldn't feel right about that.  Kind of like not giving full credit where credit is deserved, I guess.  I can guarantee, however, that when I come up with my very own recipe, and it is worth sharing, I will definitely take pictures and give you the recipe. step-by-step.  :)

I don't know about you guys, but I am so excited for Easter!!  I should have another post by then, but in case I don't, I hope you all have a very Hoppy Easter! (Yeah, I know, I'm a total cheeseball!)

Hah... I am SO bad at keeping up with this!

Hello everyone... Yes, I feel pretty sheepish, and right now I am hanging my head in shame realizing how long it has been since I posted.  Please forgive me.  I have amazing intentions, but working full time, trying to lose weight, cooking and cleaning, and preferring to spend as much time with my wonderful man of a husband has taken a toll on my "free time". 

I often think to myself, "I really need to take some time to write on my blog."  But I tend to push it off, and it just moves further and further down my to do list. :)

So here's the lowdown on our Larson life:

*Weight Loss
-- As most of you who read my blog already know, I am currently working towards some MAJOR weight loss (90 lbs hopefully!).  It has been really hard, because my body doesn't work like normal when it comes to that.  I always wondered how I could work out 2 hours a day at least 5 times a week, eat healthy, and still be well over 30 pounds where I should be (and this is when I was my lightest.)  I am going to be completely honest with all of you, which is something I have a hard time with (I do not like sharing personal stuff, but I am doing this in the hopes that it might be motivating to others).  I was diagnosed with what is called PCOS a few years ago.  I got the news one day while I was at work, and I had gone into the doctor a few days before because I had gained 50 pounds in less than 8 months, and my body was just not functioning the way it should have been.  The Doctor told me a few things, and prescribed me some medicine that was supposed to help, but didn't.

The PCOS really affects me.  It makes me more tired, sick, and makes me gain a lot of weight when I act like a normal human being (aka eating about 2000 calories per day, and exercising every once in a while) so I really have to be extremely diligent in my calories in vs calories out ratio, and I HAVE to work out at least 4 times a week (vigorously, which is how I like it anyway!)  So, I decided, for Valentine's day, I wanted to get a BodyBugg.  Now if any of you are Biggest Loser fans, like me, back in the day, before they got stupid,  they used to use the Body Bugg for all of their contestants.  Basically it is a little monitor, that accurately calculates how many calories you burn in a day.  You can see when you are most active, how many steps you have taken, and helps you understand your body a little bit better.   I LOVE it!  I have never had a problem counting my calories, and writing down everything I eat, but it is a beautiful thing to be able to see how many calories you burn when you work out, and when you are at work, etc.  So, if you can afford one, and are wanting to lose weight, I highly recommend getting one.  Just go to

OK, sorry about that, I tend to get off on tangents a lot.  I don't know how much weight I have lost, but I have lost weight.  The scale was making me mad, for two reasons, but mostly because I think it is running out of batteries, so it is not working properly.  My husband told me that I should just track my calories as if I am losing 3.5 lbs per week, because with my body I will end up losing about 2 lbs per week, which is considered safe. :)  I am going to be the first person to say that sometimes I get discouraged, and get down about how it isn't fair that so and so can eat whatever they want, and never gain a pound, but I have to work my butt off to just lose 1 lb. Sometimes I just want to go get a donut (PLEASE!), but then I remember the reason I want to do this is so I can have a family, and what is more important than that?  I hardly think that is a question worth asking. :)  So, that keeps me motivated, and knowing that I am a strong person helps me through it as well!

*Ryan's 25th Birthday!
-- My amazing husband, Ryan, turned 25 on ST Patty's Day.  Honestly, I love holidays and Birthdays, etc, so when my husband's birthday is a holiday, I go extra nuts! :)  I made him Corned Beef and Cabbage, which is his favorite meal and a family tradition of his, and I made his favorite dip, and some cute little green pretzel treats.  My husband, however, wasn't crazy excited for his birthday this year.  It happens, and I think we have all been there, but I wasn't going to let him not do anything cool, so we went to Texas Roadhouse (yumm!) and he got his favorite steak, and honestly it was just a ton of fun!  I can't believe how blessed I am to have such a wonderful man in my life, who is literally my soul-mate.  I just don't think I could ever live without him, now that I have experienced life with him.  The other day, I heard someone tell me that the first year of marriage is the hardest, and I laughed because if this is the hardest year, then we will be golden forever, because this year was SO amazing!

I know that this post is kind of all over the place, but that is the gist of what has been happening in our lives except for the daily grind, but let's be honest.  No one actually wants to hear about that. :)

I hope all is well with everyone! Stay Classy, San Diego! 

So, I'm Human...

Hello friends!  I promised to try to write on my blog at least weekly, and I know this has been, what... two weeks?  Probably more.  Anyway, I am doing somewhat better. :)  I am still doing well on the no caffeine/carbonation goal.  I'm sad though, because I was planning on drinking some Crystal Light and such, but that seems to make me sick, so I guess I am stuck with water and skim milk. 

I seem to be sick quite a bit lately, which has hindered my gym efforts.  And, honestly, I am using the same excuse that I was last year.  Not enough time.  Which in my case, I don't get home from work until 11:45pm or so, and my lovely gym closes at midnight on M-TH, and 7pm on F-Sa, so you can understand how that would make it difficult for me.  Realistically, though, I realize I am probably not nearly as busy as most of you who read my blog, so it shouldn't be an excuse.  I am doing better on my diet, but I still have a ways to go.  I have started making some really good/healthy recipes, but that also takes quite a bit of time. I am hoping to get a day shift here soon (yay) which will make my life a little bit easier, I think.

How is everyone else doing on your goals?  I am sure we would all love to hear/read. :)