Christmas time...

So, the end of the year is nearing, and I haven't written on our blog nearly as often as I wanted.  But, that tends to happen with me, what can I say? :)  We had a really great Thanksgiving and Christmas!!  I finally got to go to the San Diego Zoo, which was a-maz-ing!  We also toured a US Navy Submarine.  The San Francisco.  Talk about cool, although, very, VERY, cramped!  If you have claustrophobia, I definitely do not recommend this. :)

Now, The San Diego Zoo was pretty awesome.  I'd be lying if I didn't say that the main reason I wanted to go was so I could see the Pandas. :)  But, as we walked in, we turned to the right, and low and behold I saw a sign for Koalas.  Now, most of you probably don't think that it is as awesome as I thought it was, but Koalas are my favorite animal, and always have been.  I didn't even know that they were at the SDZ until we got there, so those cuddly little guys were definitely my favorite, with the Pandas and the Polar Bears in a tie for second.

We also had the chance to go to the beach while we were down there.  I was so excited for weather over 40 degrees, that I got in my swimsuit and everything.  I know there were some Californians that thought we were crazy for being in just our suits in 60 degreeish weather, but I wasn't cold at all. :)  We went to La Jolla Beach, which was beautiful, and we played in the sand.  I really do wish that we had a real Ocean beach closer than 8 hours away here.

Christmas was really enjoyable this year.  Ryan and I went a little overboard on eachother, since it was our first Christmas together, but it was worth it!  I like to pretend that Santa still comes to our house and everything, and I even left a doughnut and milk out for him (I had to work Christmas Eve so I didn't have time to make cookies.) Ryan is so awesome, and he indulged me.  I am not sure how "Santa" did it, but when I woke up in the morning, there was a massive present, which wasn't there before, and the doughnut and milk were gone.  It really felt like we both got to experience the magic of it all again. :)

A new year is about to begin, and I am about to embark on a whole new journey of learning how to effectively lose weight with my stupid hindrance of a medical problem.  I refuse to do it through surgery or HCG or anything like that, simply because I know that the healthiest way to do it is through the correct diet and exercise.  I also know that it is going to be tougher for me than it is for other women, but nothing that is worth it is ever easy, right?  So, I will be doing weekly (hopefully) posts about my progress, and my struggles, and all that fun stuff.  I will be starting this on January 4, since one of my best friends is getting married on the 3rd and her bachelorette party is on the 2nd, so I want to be able to make a clean start. :) I have already completely stopped drinking all soda and caffeine, and I know that this will definitely help. :)  I have been off of it for 3 weeks, and I am proud of it!

Well, that's all for now, and I really hope that everyone has a Very Happy New Year.